FOCUS on Cardiogenic Shock and Acute Mechanical Circulatory Support
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on Cardiogenic Shock and Acute Mechanical Circulatory Support


Cardiogenic shock is a life-threatening condition that demands early recognition and timely intervention. Despite advances in acute cardiovascular care, cardiogenic shock remains associated with high mortality, so structured diagnostic and therapeutic strategies are needed.

This month’s ESC FOCUS provides resources on how to recognise the early signs of cardiogenic shock and how to guide treatment with the latest ESC Guidelines. You will also get guidance on the optimal use of acute mechanical circulatory support (MCS) and the implementation of shock care teams.

This FOCUS brings together cutting-edge guidance and expert insights, to help clinicians integrate new evidence and best practices into everyday care to improve patient outcomes in cardiogenic shock.

The content below was selected by Ronen Beeri, Maria Generosa Crespo Leiro, Mattia Arrigo, and Jordi Bañeras Rius.




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