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Cardiology Update 2013

10/02/2013 00:00 15/02/2013 00:00 Europe/Paris Cardiology Update 2013

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Scientific Programme

Monday, 11 February 2013

Atherosclerosis, Hypertenison, Diabetes

Room Davos 2

08:00-08:15 Opening and Welcome Address
T.F. Lüscher, Zurich

  • Opening Address by the President of the ESC
    P. Vardas, Heraklion

08:15-09:00 Paul Lichtlen Lecture
Personalised cardiovascular medicine and drug development: Time for a new paradigm
J. Loscalzo, Boston

09:00-10:00 Morning Session 1: Atherosclerosis
Chair: F. Crea, Rome and B. Pitt, Ann Arbor

10:00-11:30 Morning Session 2: Hypertension
Chair: F. Messerli, New York and D. Wood, London

Room Schwarzhorn
Update Hypertension Medical Treatment
Chair : G. Noll, Zurich

  • 12:00 Introduction
    G. Noll, Zurich
  • Challenges in Hypertension: is combination the answer? 
    M. Burnier, Lausanne
  • 12:25 Hypertension: Hot topics 2013
    G. Predel, Köln
  • 12:45 How to win a Nobel Prize
    F. Messerli, New York
  • 13:05 Discussion and conclusion
    G. Noll, Zurich

Room Davos 2
13:30-15:00 Afternoon Session 1: Prevention, Diabetes and Renal Disease
Chair: D. Milicic, Zagreb and P. Vardas, Heraklion

Risk Factors, Hypertension, Diabetes
15:30-16:30 Meet the Expert Sessions / Live in-a-Box(Parallel Sessions)

  • Schwarzhorn Managing global and life time risk
    Experts: J. Deanfield, London and D. Wood; London
    Cases: R. Erbel; Essen and J. Ghadri, Zurich
  • Seehorn Hypertension and diabetes: Case based management
    Experts: R. Holman, Oxford and P. Sleight, Oxford
    Cases: A. Breitenstein, Zurich and S. Taddei, Pisa
  • Wisshorn Live in-a-Box: Renal denervation
    Selecting the right patient
    I. Sudano, Zurich
    How to perform the procedure 
    G. Noll, Zurich

15:30-16:30 Poster Session: Atherosclerosis, Cardiovascular Risk Factors 
Chair: T. Gillebert, Ghent

Room Davos 2
16:30-17:30 Afternoon Session 2: How can we better translate evidence into practice?
Chair: C. Baigent, Oxford and G. Noll, Zurich

Anticoagulation, Iron Deficiency, Echo

Room Davos 2
18:00-19:15 Satellite Symposium Bayer Healthcare
Selective FXa Inhibition with Rivaroxaban: Current Indications and Future Perspectives
Chair: T.F. Lüscher, Zurich

Room Davos 1
18:00-19:15 Satellite Symposium Vifor Pharma
Iron Deficiency in Heart Failure – from Evidence to Practice
Chair: M. Böhm, Homburg/Saar and G. Noll, Zurich

Room Schwarzhorn
19:20-20:15 Clinical Decision Seminar
Pearls of Echocardiography
Panel and Cases: P. Biaggi, Zurich, T. Gillebert, Ghent, D. Milicic, Zagreb and F.C. Tanner, Zurich

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Dyslipidemia, CAD

Room Davos 2
08:00-09:30 Morning Session 1: Lipids: Current Practice and Future Targets
Chair: C. Matter, Zurich and P. Libby, Boston

10:00-11:30 Morning Session 2: Prevention and Coronary Artery Disease
Chair: J.J.P. Kastelein, Amsterdam and J. Perk, Kalmar

Room Schwarzhorn
12:00-13:15 Satellite Symposium MSD, Merck Sharp & Dohme
Managing Patients with Dyslipidemia: Clinical Considerations and Practical Approaches
Chair: J. Deanfield, London and F. Mach, Geneva

Room Davos 2
13:30-15:00 Afternoon Session 1A: Cardiovascular Trials Update
Chair: W. Maier, Zurich and P. Sleight, Oxford

Thrombosis, Sports Cardiology, GUCH

Room Davos 1
13:30-15:00 Afternoon Session 1B: Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism
Chair: A.J. Camm, London and S. Yusuf, Hamilton

15:30-16:30 Meet the Expert Sessions / Live in-a-Box(Parallel Sessions)

  • Schwarzhorn Lipid management
    Experts: J. Chapman, Paris, J. Kastelein, Amsterdam and J. Perk, Kalmar
    Cases: D. Schmidt, Zurich and I. Sudano Zurich
  • Seehorn Sports cardiology
    Experts: C. Schmied, Zurich and D. Corrado, Padova
    Cases: M. Borjesson, Stockholm and A. Brauchlin, Zurich
  • Wisshorn Live in-a-Box: Practical assessment of coronary lesions: FFR and OCT

15:30-16:30 Poster Session: Angina, Acute Coronary Syndromes, Revascularisation
Chair: G. Pitt, Durham

Room Davos 2
16:30-17:30 Afternoon Session 2A: Sports Cardiology
Chair: F. Mach, Geneva and S. Taddei, Pisa

Room Davos 1
16:30-17:30 Afternoon Session 2B: GUCH
Chair: L. Eckardt, Münster and I. Lang, Vienna

Anticoagulation, Dyslipidemia, Imaging, CRT

Room Davos 2
18:00-19:15 Satellite Symposium Boehringer Ingelheim
Stroke Prevention in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation – Different Perspectives and Practical Approaches
Chair: A.J. Camm, London and T.F. Lüscher, Zurich

Room Davos 1
18:00-19:15 Satellite Symposium Eli Lilly
Management of Dyslipidemias: What is New on the Horizon?
Chair: F. Mach, Geneva

19:20-20:15 Clinical Decision Seminars (parallel Sessions)


  • Schwarzhorn - Imaging
    Panel and Cases: J.J. Bax, Leiden, P.G. Camici, Milan, O. Gämperli, Zurich and R. Manka, Zurich
  • Seehorn - CRT and ICD Trouble Shooting
    A new APP for iPhone and iPad
    D. Hürlimann, Zurich and J. Steffel, Zurich


Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Atrial Fibrillation, Cardiomyopathies, CRT, Antiplatelets

Room Davos 2
08:00-09:30 Morning Session 1: Atrial Fibrillation
Chair: C. Brunckhorst, Zurich and G. Hindricks, Leipzig

Room Davos 2
10:00-11:30 Morning Session 2: Cardiomyopathies, Sudden Death
Chair: F. Duru, Zurich and H. Calkins, Baltimore

Room Schwarzhorn
12:00-13:15 Satellite Symposium Biotronik
Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy for Chronic Heart Failure - What’s New?
Chair: J. Holzmeister, Zurich

Room Seehorn
12:00-13:15 Satellite Symposium Daiichi Sankyo and Eli Lilly
Myth and Reality with Antiplatelet Therapy
Chair: F. Mach, Geneva

Imaging, Personalised Medicine, Pulmonary Hypertension

Room Davos 2
13:30-15:00  Afternoon Session 1B: Imaging
Chair: P.G. Camici, Milan and F.C. Tanner, Zurich

  • 13:30 The vulnerable plaque: the pathologist’s view 
    R. Virmani, Gaithersburg MD
  • 13:52 Plaque imaging: the new frontier
    P.G. Camici, Milan
  • 14:14 CT coronary angiography and perfusion imaging: alone or in combination? 
    O. Gämperli, Zurich
  • 14:36 Differential imaging: What do we need for which patient? 
    J.J. Bax, Leiden

Room Davos 1
13:30-15:00 Afternoon Session 1A: Personalised Medicine – Hype or Hope?
Chair: S. Dimmeler, Frankfurt and M.L. Simoons, Rotterdam

  • 13:30 Genetics and personalised medicine for CAD 
     H. Schunkert, Munic
  • 13:55 Genetics of cardiovascular diseases: new frontiers for diagnosis, risk stratification and therapy
    G. Pitt, Durham N
  • 14:20 Personalised medicine: Can we use clinical and routine laboratory data better?
    F.L.J. Visseren, Utrecht
  • 14:45 Discussion

15:30-16:30 Meet the Expert Sessions / Live in-a-Box
(Parallel Sessions)

  • Schwarzhorn How to reduce stroke risk in AF?
    Experts: A.J. Camm, London and J. Steffel; Zurich
    Cases: N. Krasniqi, Zurich and N. Kucher, Bern
  • SeehornCardiomyopathies, sudden death:
    Experts: H. Calkins, Baltimore and G. Hindricks; Leipzig
    Cases: C. Gruner, Zurich and A. Saguner, Zurich
  • Wisshorn Live in-a-Box: Atrial fibrillation
    • Indications
      C. Brunckhorst, Zurich
    • How to perform AF ablation
      L. Haegeli, Zurich

Room Davos 2
16:30-17:30 Afternoon Session 2A: Pulmonary Hypertension
Chair: T. Gillebert, Ghent and R. Speich, Zurich

  • 16:30  Screening and diagnosing PH – still a challenge
    I. Lang, Vienna
  • 16:50 Current therapeutic approaches and expected update in the guidelines
    M. Palazzini, Bologna
  • 17:10 Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension 
    E. Mayer, Bad Nauheim

Stem Cells, Anticoagulation, Heart Failure, ECG

Room Davos 1
16:30-17:30 Afternoon Session 2B: Stem Cells
Chair: U. Landmesser, Zurich and G. Pitt, Durham NC

Room Davos 2
18:00-19:15 Satellite Symposium Daiichi Sankyo
The New Aerea of Anticoagulation – Achievements and Challenges
Chair: T.F. Lüscher, Zurich

Room Davos 1
18:00-19:15 Satellite Symposium Novartis
A Novel First in Class Treatment in Acute Heart Failure:Late Stage Development Project
Chair: P. Mohacsi, Bern

Room Schwarzhorn
19:20-20:15 Clinical Decision Seminar
The challenging ECG
Panel and cases: C. Brunckhorst, Zurich, F. Duru, Zurich and L. Eckardt, Münster

Thursday, 14 February 2013

ACS, Percutaneous Interventions, Ischemic Heart Disease

Room Davos 2
08:00-09:30 Morning Session 1: Acute Coronary Syndromes
Chair: T.F. Lüscher, Zurich and W. Wijns, Aalst


Room Davos 2
10:00-11:30 Morning Session 2: Percutaneous Interventions
Chair: B. Meier, Bern and T. Moccetti, Lugano

Room Davos 1
11:45-13:00  Satellite Symposium A. Menarini
Management of Ischemic Heart Disease – Special Focus on Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Chairperson: G. Noll, Zurich

  • 11:45 Introduction 
    G. Noll, Zurich
  • 11:50 Pathophysiology of ischemic heart disease –  focus on patients with diabetes mellitus 
    D. Westermann, Berlin
  • 12:10 Clinical challenges in diabetic patients with coronary    heart disease – an interactive patient case discussion 
    G. Noll, Zurich
  • 12:30  How to successfully manage patients with ischemic heart disease 
     F. Mach, Geneva
  • 12:50 Q & A, discussion 

Stents, Antiplatelets, Heart Failure, Aortic Valve, Cardiovascular Care

Room Seehorn
13:15-14:30 Satellite Symposium AstraZeneca with Biosensors
New Stents and Antiplatelets: Is it Time to Say Goodbye to Aspirin?
Chairperson: H. Schunkert, Munich

Room Schwarzhorn
13:15-14:30 Satellite Symposium Cardiorentis
Therapy for Acute Heart Failure – Time for Change?!
Chair: S. Anker, Berlin

  • 13:15  Introduction 
    S. Anker, Berlin
  • 13:20 ESC Guidelines for the treatment of acute heart failure 
    P. Ponikowski, Wroclaw
  • 13:40 Why to treat acute heart failure early -   Similarities to the acute coronary syndrome 
    A. Mebazaa, Paris
  • 14:00 The TRUE-AHF programme – Ularitide in patients with acute heart failure 
    G. Filippatos, Athens
  • 14:20 Panel discussion 

Room Davos 2
14:30-16:00 Afternoon Session 1A: Aortic Valve Disease
Chair: R. Corti, Zurich and P. Widimsky, Prague

Room Davos 1
14:30-16:00  Afternoon Session 1B: Special Topics of Cardiovascular Care
Chair: C. Hamm, Bad Nauheim and H. Schunkert, Munich

Percutaneous Interventions, Mitral Valve

16:15-17:00 Meet the Expert Sessions / Live in-a-Box (Parallel Sessions)

  • Schwarzhorn Management of CAD: Drugs, PCI or CABG?
    Experts: V. Falk, Zurich, M.L. Simoons, Rotterdam and S. Windecker, Berne
    Cases: O. Gämperli, Zurich and C. Wyss, Zurich
  • Seehorn   Optimal management of STEMI
    Experts: S.K. James, Uppsala and P. Widimsky, Prague
    Cases: C. Matter, Zurich and D. Sürder, Lugano
  • Wisshorn   Live in-a-box: Left Atrial Appendix Occlusion
    • How to select patients 
       J. Steffel, Zuri
    • The LAA occlusion procedure 
      U. Landmesser, Zurich

Room Davos 2
17:00-18:30 Afternoon Session 2: Mitral Valve Regurgitation
Chair: J.J. Bax, Leiden and A. Vahanian, Paris

Friday, 15 February 2013

Heart Failure

Room Davos 2
08:00-09:30 Morning Session 1: Chronic Heart Failure
Chair: M. Gheorghiade, Chicago and F. Ruschitzka, Zurich

Room Davos 2
10:00-11:30  Morning Session 2: Treatment of Heart Failure
Chair: S. Anker, Berlin and K. Swedberg, Gothenborg

  • 10:00 Novel drugs in acute HF 
    M. Gheorghiade, Chicago
  • 10:25 Mineralcorticoid receptor blockade in CV disease: potential new indications and new drugs 
    B. Pitt, Ann Arbor MI
  • 10:50 Therapeutic value of renin inhibitors 
    M. Pfeffer, Boston
  • 11:15 Discussion

Room Davos 2
11:45-13:00  Lunch Session: Devices in Heart Failure
Chair: M. Pfeffer, Boston and P. Ponikowski, Wroclaw

Heart Failure, Transplantation

13:15-14:15 Meet the Expert Sessions / Live in-a-Box (Parallel Sessions)

  • Schwarzhorm-Managing advanced heart failure
    Experts: F. Ruschitzka, Zurich and P. Ponikowski, Wroclaw
    Cases: F. Enseleit, Zurich and A. Rudiger, Zurich
  • Seehorn -  Managing complex systolic heart failure patients
    Experts: G. Noll, Zurich and O.A. Smiseth, Oslo
    Cases: A. Flammer, Zurich and D. Hürlimann, Zurich
  • Wisshorn -  Live in-a-box: Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI)
    Moderator / A. Vahanian, Paris
    • Results of TAVI: The Zurich experience / B. Stähli, Zurich
    • How to perform the procedure / R. Corti, Zurich

Room Davos 2
14:30-15:45 Afternoon Session: From Heart Failure to Transplantation
Chair: B. Pitt, Ann Arbor and O.A. Smiseth, Oslo

15:45-16:15 Davos Lecture
Stem cells in cardiovascular disease: myth or reality?
A. Zeiher, Frankfurt

16:15 Closing Remarks
B. Pitt, Ann Arbor


Zurich Heart House
Foundation for Cardiovascular Research
Moussonstrasse 4, CH-8091 Zurich, Switzerland
Phone +41 (0) 44 250 40 83, Fax +41 (0) 44 250 40 90 
Esther Willi (

Ruth Amstein, Ph.D.
Kathrin Reber
Valérie Streichenberg

Distinguished international faculty will present lectures, interactive programmes and debates.

Programme Directors

Thomas F. Lüscher, Zurich, CH
Bertram Pitt, Ann Arbor MI, USA

Scientific Coordinator

Ruth Amstein, Zurich, CH

Programme Committee

Ruth Amstein, Ph.D., Zurich, CH
Jeroen J. Bax, M.D., Leiden, NL
Paolo G. Camici, M.D., Milan, IT
Filippo Crea, M.D., Rome, IT
Thierry C. Gillebert, M.D., Gent, BE
John J.P. Kastelein, M.D., Amsterdam, NL
Michel Komajda, M.D., Paris, FR
Thomas F. Lüscher, M.D., Zurich, CH
Bernhard Meier, M.D., Berne, CH
Bertram Pitt, M.D., Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Karl Swedberg, M.D., Gothenburg, SE
William Wijns, M.D., Ph.D., Aalst, BE
Salim Yusuf, M.D., Hamilton, Ontario, CA

Local Programme Committee

Corinna Brunckhorst, M.D., Zurich, CH
Roberto Corti, M.D., Zurich, CH
Firat Duru, M.D., Zurich, CH
Volkmar Falk, M.D., Zurich, CH
Matthias Greutmann, M.D., Zurich, CH
Johannes Holzmeister, M.D., Zurich, CH
Philipp A. Kaufmann, M.D., Zurich, CH
Ulf Landmesser, M.D., Zurich, CH
Willibald Maier, M.D., Zurich, CH
Christian Matter, M.D., Zurich, CH
Georg Noll, M.D., Zurich, CH
Frank Ruschitzka, M.D., Zurich, CH
Christian Schmied, M.D., Zurich, CH
Rudolf Speich, M.D., Zurich, CH
Felix C. Tanner, M.D., Zurich, CH