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Basic Science Summer School 2015

14/06/2015 00:00 18/06/2015 00:00 Europe/Paris Basic Science Summer School 2015

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ESC Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science true DD/MM/YYYY
Basic Science

Scientific programme

Sunday 14 June - Novotel Nice Arenas

18.00       Welcome – Course Directors
18.15       Opening keynote plenary lecture - Peter Carmeliet (Leuven, BE)              

Monday 15 June - European Heart House

Session I:  Ischaemia and reperfusion injury
09.00        Mechanisms – Pasquale Pagliaro (Turin, IT)
09.45        Therapeutic opportunities – David Garcia-Dorado (Barcelona, SP)
10.30        Coffee break – poster area

Session II:  Therapeutic angiogenesis
11.00        Basic concepts of blood vessel growth – Alessandro Fantin (London, UK)
11.45       The complexities of therapeutic translation – Ian Zachary (London, UK)
12.30        Lunch Boxes –  Meet the faculty

Session III:  Novel regulatory networks
13.30         Microvesicles - J Pearson (London, UK)
14.15         miRNAs – Eva van Rooij (Utrecht, NL)
15.00        Short break

Session IV:  Building your career [1]
15.15        Achieving the transition to personal fellowship and group leader – Nicola Smart (Oxford, UK)
16.00        Scientific papers: the publisher’s perspective:  Helen Liepman (OUP, Senior publishing editor for the ESC journals)
17.00-19.00 Poster area – discussion of odd-numbered posters, with Coffee Break

Tuesday 16 June

Session V:  Inflammation and immunity in cardiovascular pathophysiology
09.00         Immune modulation of atherosclerosis: potential for future therapies – Christoph Binder (Vienna, AU)
09.45         Inflammation in heart failure: implications for treatment – Sophie Van Linthout (Berlin, DE)
10.30         Coffee Break – poster area

Session VI:  Vulnerable plaque
11.00        Pathogenesis – Sarah Jane George (Bristol, UK)
11.45        Imaging – Constantin von Zur Mühlen (Freiburg, GE)
12.30        Lunch Boxes – Meet the faculty

Session VII:  Leukocyte traffic
13.30        Molecular pathways regulating adhesion and migration – Barbara Walzog (Munich, GE)
14.15        In vivo tracking of leukocyte behaviour – Abigail Woodfin (London, UK)
15.00        Short break

Session VIII:  How and why pharma and academia collaborate to develop new medicines
15.15         Nicholas Alp (ICON, Marlow, UK)
15.45         Andrew Zalewski (GSK, Philadelphia, US)
16.15-18.00 Personal discussions with industry representatives
16.15-18.00 Coffee Break – poster area – Meet the faculty

Wednesday 17 June

Session IX:  Cardiac contractile dysfunction
09.00        Remodelling the failing heart: the biology and future treatment options - Jean-Luc Balligand (Leuven, BE)
09.45        Atrial Fibrillation: current and future treatment options – Samuel Sossala (Göttingen, GE) 
10.30        Coffee Break – poster area

Session X:  Inherited heart conditions
11.00        Channelopathies: the biology and future treatment options –Eric Schulze-Bahr (Münster, GE)
11.45        Cardiomyopathies: the biology and future treatment options –Jolanda van der Velden (Amsterdam, NL)                 
12.30        Lunch Boxes – Meet the faculty

Session XI:  Cardiovascular regenerative medicine
13.30       Heart development: implications for regeneration – Nicola Smart (Oxford, UK)
14.15        Engineering the solution – Thomas Eschenhagen (Hamburg, GE) 
15.00        Short break

Session XII:  Building your career [2]
15.15        Open session to question panel members and faculty about any aspect of building your career
Panel: Jeremy Pearson (chair); Samuel Sossala; Nicola Smart; Sarah George; Jolanda van der Welden; David Garcia-Dorado
17.00-19.00     Poster area – discussion of even-numbered posters, with Coffee Break
20.30        Participants dinner

Thursday 18 June

Session XIII:  Converting medical innovation into clinical practice
09.00   Short presentations highlighting strategies, plus case studies to highlight the critical steps in the process
Jeremy Pearson / Andrew Zalewski / David Garcia-Dorado
10.00      Coffee Break

Session XIV:  Stargazing: the implications of universal whole genome sequencing
10.30   Making sense of big data – Tim Frayling (Exeter, UK)
11.15   Personalized medicine – Thomas Eschenhagen (Hamburg, GE)
12.00   Closing keynote plenary lecture Peter Libby (Boston, US)

Discover more about the ESC Council on Cardiovascular Basic Science