EACVI recertification
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EACVI Recertification

EACVI certified candidates must recertify in a timely manner to keep their certification valid. 

Candidates applying for recertification have to demonstrate that they are still up-to-date, have maintained a continual practical experience and must show proof of continuing medical education. 

This page provides step-by-step guidance to support candidates in the recertification process.

EACVI recertification process

Candidates who have successfully completed the certification process are awarded a 5-year certification.

To retain their certification, candidates must apply for recertification within the allowed timeframe. 

When to apply

Candidates must apply for recertification from six months before to six months after the current certification expiration date.

All candidates will be reminded as the deadline approaches but it is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that the recertification is submitted in a timely manner.

No late submissions will be accepted and, if the deadline is not respected, the candidate will have to repeat the certification process (exam and logbook) in order to maintain a valid certification. 

If candidates don't apply within the allocated timeframe, the certification will be revoked, and candidates will not be allowed to present themselves as EACVI certified healthcare professionals. They will also be removed from the list of EACVI certified healthcare professionals that is published on the ESC website. 

How to apply

Candidates who are eligible for recertification will receive an automatic email reminder every 3 months to apply for recertification. This email will be sent to the email address registered on the candidate’s My ESC account.

Recertification fee

  • Non-members and EACVI Associates: €200 excluding VAT  
  • EACVI Silver Members and Fellows of the EACVI (FEACVI): €75 excluding VAT

Once payment is validated, a confirmation email will be sent with a link to the platform where the requested documents can be uploaded.


Recertification will be awarded based on evidence of continuing practical experience and continuing medical education in the related modality. 

Candidates must provide the following documents:

  • A copy of their current EACVI certificate
  • A completed recertification checklist (a template will be provided on the platform)
  • A formal letter
    • For Echocardiography (TTE, TOE, Echo CHD)
      • a letter from the candidate’s immediate supervisor (a template will also be provided on the platform) attesting to the number of studies performed by the candidate. The number of studies performed per year as an average over five years:
        • For TTE: 250 studies
        • For TOE: 50 studies
        • For Echo CHD: 125 Echo CHD most recent year's studies as a logbook list
        • Applicants for TTE and TOE must have been involved in the study (although not necessarily have performed it completely themselves) - e.g. applicants may have confirmed that the maximum gradient through the aortic valve had been obtained even though other parts of the study have been performed by a trainee/colleague. 
        • Applicants for Echo CHD recertification must have personally performed all 125 echocardiograms and a full range of CHD lesions is expected similar to initial certification
    • For CMR:
      • a personal declaration attesting to the number of studies performed per year
        • CMR level 2: 100 studies per year (candidates must have personally reported the CMR scans)
        • CMR level 3: 200 studies per year (candidates must have either personally reported or signed off the CMR scans)
  • Evidence of CME with photocopies of all CME certificates. The credits must be numbered and reported in your online submission list. When CME certificates are not available, candidates must provide certificate of attendance/proof of participation and copies of final scientific programmes. 

CME Requirements 

Table 1. Summary of case numbers and CME requirements

CPD/CME Requirementsat least 50 CPD/CME points* – 25 specifically on echo
CPD/CME Requirementsat least 50 CPD/CME points* – 25 specifically on echo
ModalityEcho CHD
CPD/CME Requirementsat least 50 CPD/CME points* – 25 specifically derived from Echo CHD echo meetings/courses
CPD/CME Requirementsat least 50 CPD/CME points* – 25 specifically on CMR for Level 2 and at least 50 specifically on CMR for Level 3
Modality CPD/CME Requirements
TTE at least 50 CPD/CME points* – 25 specifically on echo
TOE at least 50 CPD/CME points* – 25 specifically on echo
Echo CHD at least 50 CPD/CME points* – 25 specifically derived from Echo CHD echo meetings/courses
CMR at least 50 CPD/CME points* – 25 specifically on CMR for Level 2 and at least 50 specifically on CMR for Level 3


*This represents the total number of CME Credits needed, accrued over the five years.

Being currently certified in any other EACVI modality will also give you a maximum of 10 points for recertification (not applicable to EACVI CMR Level 3 recertification). 

CME Regulations

Evidence of CME is required for all applications for recertification. Only the relevant component of meetings will count for re-certification. 

The learning hours must be collected as follows:

  • 1 CME/CPD Credit = 1 hour of learning
  • CME/CPD Credits are obtained by participating in:
    • Recognised National, European and International relevant meetings
    • Educational courses with relevant endorsement and CPD credits
  • ECTS points (European Credit Transfer System) are accepted

Candidates will be required to upload the relevant attendance certificates detailing the number of CME points/hours accrued. 

The EACVI Certification Committee reserves the right to check the details of the course and evidence of attendance. The decision of the EACVI Certification Committee is final regarding the award of CME hours. 


Only the echo component of meetings will count for recertification.

Examples of eligible meetings are listed below:

 Please indicate hours of echo lectures attended
TitleEACTA congress
 Please indicate hours of echo lectures attended
TitleAmerican Society of Echo meetings
TitleBritish Society of Echocardiography (BSE) meetings
 Please indicate hours of echo lectures attended
 Echo component only – sessions attended must be specified
 Echo component only – sessions attended must be specified
TitleESC Congress
 Echo component only – sessions attended must be specified
TitleCardiothoracic anaesthesia and perioperative echocardiography meetings
TitleMeetings endorsed by the EACVI
TitleMeetings awarded UEMS credits
 Echo component only, 1 UEMS credit hour = 1 CME hour
TitleOther national and international meetings providing CME in Echo
 Please submit copies of the course programme, faculty evidence of your attendance with your application, and the number of hours claimed. These hours will be evaluated by the EACVI Certification Committee for acceptability.
EuroEcho-Imaging Please indicate hours of echo lectures attended
EACTA congress Please indicate hours of echo lectures attended
American Society of Echo meetings  
British Society of Echocardiography (BSE) meetings Please indicate hours of echo lectures attended
ACC Echo component only – sessions attended must be specified
AHA Echo component only – sessions attended must be specified
ESC Congress Echo component only – sessions attended must be specified
Cardiothoracic anaesthesia and perioperative echocardiography meetings  
Meetings endorsed by the EACVI  
Meetings awarded UEMS credits Echo component only, 1 UEMS credit hour = 1 CME hour
Other national and international meetings providing CME in Echo Please submit copies of the course programme, faculty evidence of your attendance with your application, and the number of hours claimed. These hours will be evaluated by the EACVI Certification Committee for acceptability.

It is recommended that the majority of CME hours come from the first four meetings in the above table.

Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (CMR)

Only the CMR component of meetings will count for recertification.

For multimodality imaging courses, conferences or meetings with relevant content, the number of total CME/CPD Credits should be divided by the number of modalities in question. For example, if the meeting is on cardiac CT, nuclear cardiology and CMR, the total CME/CPD credits must be divided by 3. If the meeting is on cardiac CT and CMR, the total number is divided by 2.

Examples of CME points for specific meetings are given in the table below. It should be noted that CME Credits will vary between meetings and should be confirmed for each meeting attended.


EACVI 2023
CME Points Awarded
Full recognition of all CME credits will be given. This meeting will not be divided by the number of imaging specialties involved.
EuroCMR 2021 
CME Points Awarded
18 CME credits can be claimed for this meeting for full attendance despite the lower CME total (5) granted by UEMS-EACCME
CME Points Awarded
7 or 8
Total divided by 3 (Echo/CMR/CT)
EACVI Best of Imaging
CME Points Awarded
3 or 4
Total divided by 3 (Echo/CMR/CT)
EACVI CMR Teaching Courses
CME Points Awarded
As per CME certificate
This includes both the Examination Preparation Course for Adult CMR and the Course for CMR in Congenital Heart Disease
EACVI Level 1 Course
CME Points Awarded
All CMR modules must be completed
EACVI CMR Basic Tutorials
CME Points Awarded
As per CME certificate
EACVI Multimodality imaging in CHD
CME Points Awarded
All modules must be completed
EACVI/SCMR Joint Summit on Artificial Intelligence in CMR 2022
CME Points Awarded
As per CME certificate
SCMR Annual Scientific Sessions
CME Points Awarded
For participation in any congress or conference, a maximum of 8 CME credits per day can be claimed.
SCMR Annual Scientific Sessions - On-demand educational content
CME Points Awarded
As per CME certificate
SCMR Introductory Online Course in CMR
CME Points Awarded
BSCMR Annual Meeting
CME Points Awarded
ESC Congress
CME Points Awarded
General cardiology meeting, only 3 CME credits can be claimed for CMR 
Medmastery Online Course - Cardiac MRI Essentials
CME Points Awarded
CMR Level 1 Course (JCA Seminars)
CME Points Awarded
CME Points Awarded
EACVI 2023 18 Full recognition of all CME credits will be given. This meeting will not be divided by the number of imaging specialties involved.
EuroCMR 2021  18 18 CME credits can be claimed for this meeting for full attendance despite the lower CME total (5) granted by UEMS-EACCME
EuroEcho-Imaging 7 or 8 Total divided by 3 (Echo/CMR/CT)
EACVI Best of Imaging 3 or 4 Total divided by 3 (Echo/CMR/CT)
EACVI CMR Teaching Courses As per CME certificate This includes both the Examination Preparation Course for Adult CMR and the Course for CMR in Congenital Heart Disease
EACVI Level 1 Course 9 All CMR modules must be completed
EACVI CMR Basic Tutorials 6 As per CME certificate
EACVI Multimodality imaging in CHD 4 All modules must be completed
EACVI/SCMR Joint Summit on Artificial Intelligence in CMR 2022 10 As per CME certificate
SCMR Annual Scientific Sessions 24 For participation in any congress or conference, a maximum of 8 CME credits per day can be claimed.
SCMR Annual Scientific Sessions - On-demand educational content As per CME certificate  
SCMR Introductory Online Course in CMR 10  
BSCMR Annual Meeting 6  
ESC Congress 3 General cardiology meeting, only 3 CME credits can be claimed for CMR 
Medmastery Online Course - Cardiac MRI Essentials 14  
CMR Level 1 Course (JCA Seminars) 10  

Required CME credits should not be claimed from a single online source, congress or event.

Recertification results

As soon as the recertification is administratively compliant, the application is sent for grading to members of the EACVI TTE Certification Committee. Graders may require additional information from the candidate to provide their grading.

Results are sent by email within three months of applying. However please note that :

  • If your application is submitted before your current certification has expired, the result will only be sent to you the month your current certification expires so that you do not lose months in your certification process.
  • Some delays in grading can occur due to the high volume of applications received throughout the year.

Initial certification and any subsequent recertification are valid for a full five-year period.

Extension requests

There is a one-year window to apply for recertification (from six months before to six months after the current certification expiration date). In exceptional circumstances, candidates may request an extension to submit their application.

To ensure the process remains fair and robust, extensions will generally only be given in the following circumstances: parental leave, less than full-time work or illness of the candidate.

Extension requests must be accompanied by a signed letter from the candidate's supervisor briefly explaining the situation and stating the duration of the extension required. Requests cannot be considered without this letter. The request must be submitted before the deadline.

Please note that extension requests are not guaranteed and are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Certification Committee.    

Use the Contact Us form to submit such requests and obtain further information.