EACVI/EACTAIC (TOE) Spring Online Certification Exam - Transesophageal Echocardiography
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EACVI/EACTAIC (TOE) Spring Online Certification Exam - Transesophageal Echocardiography

26/06/2025 00:00 26/06/2025 00:00 Europe/Paris EACVI/EACTAIC (TOE) Spring Online Certification Exam - Transesophageal Echocardiography

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European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging contact@escardio.org DD/MM/YYYY
Transesophageal Echocardiography


Registration will open 3 months prior to exam date.

This exam can be started at any time between 11:00 and 14:00 CET, depending on slot availability.


Learn more about certification programme.

Registration information

In order to respect exam capacity, registrations will be managed on a first come, first served basis.

We encourage you to register online as early as possible to guarantee a seat.

Registration closes when the exam capacity is reached and at the latest 15 days before the examination with no exceptions.

EACVI Silver Members save on registration. Not an EACVI Silver Member yet? Subscribe today and save up to €150**

  1. Become an EACVI Silver Member for €156 (or €78 if you are below 40 years old or in training)
  2. Benefit from the exam registration member fee (€432 instead of €660) 
  3. Enjoy all the EACVI Silver Membership benefits including an online subscription to the European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging (EHJ-CI), unlimited access to EACVI webinars and congress resources, discounts on EACVI congresses and courses, and much more.  Join and save now.** 

** Compared to standard fee for non-members and including the EACVI Silver Membership fee.

I want to know more about the EACVI Silver Membership.

Registration requirements

Before paying, candidates have to complete a questionnaire where they must declare the name of their supervisor and provide information on their training.

Please note that the supervisor does not need to be EACVI-certified.

Registration fees

Fee Types
Online Fees (including 20% VAT)
Fee Types
EACVI Silver Member
Online Fees (including 20% VAT)
Fee Types
Online Fees (including 20% VAT)
Fee Types
Online Fees (including 20% VAT)
Fee Types
Online Fees (including 20% VAT)
Fee Types
Second resit
Online Fees (including 20% VAT)
Fee Types
Online Fees (including 20% VAT)
Standard €660
EACVI Silver Member €432*
EACTAIC Member €432**
Fellow EACVI (FEACVI) €360***
Resit €252****
Second resit €138*****


If you are eligible to the second resit fee please contact us before registering.

Please read the Terms and Conditions


*To benefit from Silver Member fees you must be a validated Silver Member before registering for the exam. This fee is only available for Silver Members. For further information, please go to the membership page.

**EACTAIC Members: An upload of a copy of your valid EACTAIC Membership official statement of the current year will be requested during registration process. Your pre registration will be validated and confirmed only upon this mandatory document.

***To benefit from EACVI Fellow fees you must be a validated EACVI Fellowship before registering for the exam. This fee is only available for EACVI Fellows.

****Please note that the resit fee is reserved only for candidates who have sat and failed the exam in the past and cannot be used by candidates under any other circumstances.

*****This fee will apply only if it is the candidate's third attempt at the exam and the second resit in the last five years (i.e. since your first exam attempt). In all other cases, the resit fee will apply if the candidate failed the exam once or failed the logbook in the last five years.

If candidates are not in this five-year restrictive period, the full price will apply.


Important - Healthcare companies or third-party agencies

Please note that Healthcare companies or third-party agencies cannot use a delegate’s My ESC account or create a delegate My ESC account for registering their delegates. This will result in the cancellation of the registration of your delegate. This is Individual Registration only.

Candidate confirms that this is a purchase 'by myself' as an individual, and the Billing Address is correct. Candidate understands that after payment has been made, changes in the invoice details will not be possible.

Payment and general conditions

All registration fees are quoted in euros (€) and include national applicable VAT. Payment in any other currency will not be accepted. Credit card payment available only.

Registration fees are based on the date of receipt. The prices indicated are only applicable if both the registration form/request and payment are received before the registration deadlines. Otherwise, the higher registration fee will be applied.

Registrations will be acknowledged by email upon receipt of payment and a valid candidate email address (make sure your My ESC profile is updated and ensure that no third-party email address is linked to your registration). 

Cancellation policy and conditions

If a participant wishes to cancel his/her registration for the certification exam, he/she should contact us.

Please take careful note that the cancellation policy on refunds is as follows:


Weeks before the exam

Up to 4 weeks before the exam

% Refund


Weeks before the exam

Within 4 weeks before the exam

% Refund


Weeks before the exam

No show

% Refund


Weeks before the exam

% Refund

Up to 4 weeks before the exam


Within 4 weeks before the exam


No show



Up to four weeks before the exam start date and upon receipt of written cancellation requesta refund of fees minus a 30% administrative charge will be processed.

If the cancellation request is made less than four weeks before the exam start date, no refund will be granted.

Should a candidate not attend the exam for whatever reason, no further claims for reimbursement or waiving of fees can be made. Similarly, no right to further claims or waiving of fees will arise should the ESC be obliged to alter the exam proceedings.

By registering for the exam, each candidate waives his/her rights to claim any compensation from the ESC.

The organiser cannot be held liable for any hindrance or disruption of exam proceedings arising from political, social or economic events, or any other unforeseen incidents beyond their control.

Under no circumstances will the ESC be liable for indirect damages or costs.

Registration of a candidate entails acceptance of these conditions.