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Council on Stroke Elections 2022

The Council on Stroke is holding elections for the following Nucleus and Nominating Committee positions for the mandate 2022-2024.

Nucleus Positions


The Secretary takes on specific responsibilities in relation to the organisation of the Council’s meetings, according to the Council’s Operational Guidelines. The Secretary is elected for 2 years and may be re-elected for a further 2 years (4 years maximum).


The Treasurer is responsible for the financial affairs and budget management of the Council, according to ESC accounting principles. The Treasurer is elected for 2 years and may be re-elected for a further 2 years (4 years maximum).

National Contacts Coordinator

The National Contacts Coordinator will be responsible for leading a taskforce of national society contacts (national working groups on Heart & Stroke interaction) for future collaboration with the Council on Stroke on national levels. The successful applicant should have experience in a national society and excellent communication and organisational skills. The National Contacts coordinator is elected for 2 years and may be re-elected for a further 2 years (4 years maximum).

Education and Scientific Programme Coordinator

The responsibility of the Education and Scientific Programme Coordinator is to lead the Programme Committee for planning the Scientific Programme and logistics (together with ESC Councils Office) of annual meeting (“Heart & Stroke”) and webinars. The Education and Scientific Coordinator is elected for 2 years and may be re-elected for a further 2 years (4 years maximum).

Communications and Young Community Coordinator

The Communications and Young Community Coordinator is responsible for content and preparation of the Council Newsletter, to select scientific and clinical information of interest to Council on Stroke members for newsletter and website; to enhance the Councils presence on social media. The communications and young community coordinator is elected for 2 years and may be re-elected for a further 2 years (4 years maximum).

Liaison Officer

The Liaison Officer is responsible for communication with ESC Associations, Working Groups, Councils and with other scientific societies (ESO, ESMINT, ESVS, EANS, etc.) The Liaison Officer is elected for 2 years and may be re-elected for a further 2 years (4 years maximum).

Candidates may only apply for one position.

Nominating Committee Positions

Nominating Committee member – three positions

The role of the Nominating Committee is to supervise the good running of elections following a call for candidates for open positions.

The Nominating Committee:

  • Ensures that the criteria for eligibility are pre-defined.
  • Evaluates the candidates and proposes at least one candidate per position.
  • Strives to encourage a good balance of candidates by considering the experience of the candidates, the geographical representation of ESC countries, and the gender.

What you should know:

  • This Nominating Committee mandate will run September 2022–August 2024.
  • The members of the Nominating Committee are not eligible for election into Council on Stroke Nucleus positions for two years after the end of their mandate in the Nominating Committee.

Eligibility criteria to apply

  • Candidates must be a member of the Council on Stroke
  • Nucleus members are required to be either ESC Professional Members or Fellows of the ESC (FESC)
  • Only Council members whose place of work is an ESC member country* can be elected to Nucleus positions
  • Candidates must demonstrate their active interest in stroke (published papers related to stroke research, prevention, diagnosis or treatment – or if no authorship of such publication exist provide any other evidence for their activity related to stroke)
  • Candidates cannot hold more than three leadership ESC positions at the same time. Candidates cannot be elected to more than one ESC Council Nucleus at the same time. Candidates cannot simultaneously hold another position as an elected Nucleus / Board Member in an ESC Association, Working Group or another Council, unless if co-opted in a non-voting position
  • Nominating Committee members are not eligible for election into Nucleus roles for a 2 year period after the end of their mandate in the Nominating Committee.

How to apply

If you would like to apply for one of the Nucleus or Nominating Committee positions, we invite you to submit your application including a curriculum vitae and your motivations for applying for the role.
Please address:

  • Application letter declaring willingness to work as volunteer for the ESC Council on Stroke and explaining the motivation to become a council nucleus or a nominating committee member and describing current interest / activities related to stroke.
  • CV including information about specialization (board certification)
  • Current place of work and position
  • Previous work in the ESC structures is welcome, but not absolutely requested
  • List of publications (point out those related to stroke)

Candidates may only apply for one role.

Send your application by 31 March 2022.

What happens next ?

  1. The applications will be reviewed by the Nominating Committee of the ESC Council on Stroke for completeness and eligibility.
  2. The role of the Nominating Committee is also to guarantee interdisciplinary, gender and age balance and to propose a balanced list of candidates for all positions. Thus, besides applications from cardiologists, applications from other specialists (neurologists, radiologists, surgeons, strokologists etc.) and from our young members are particularly welcome.
  3. All candidates will be informed of whether they are included in the final slate of candidates.
  4. Voting is by secret ballot and the elected Members take up their positions at the end of the Council Meeting at the ESC Congress 2022


Voting eligibility

  • Council members who were members of the Council on Stroke at the latest one month before the opening of the electronic vote, and
  • Council members whose membership does not expire before the voting commences, and
  • Council members whose country of work is in an ESC member country*

Read more on the elections

*The Belorussian Scientific Society of Cardiology and the Russian Society of Cardiology are temporarily suspended from the membership of the ESC. See ESC Statement.