About the ESC Council on Hypertension
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ESC Council on Hypertension

Who we are

The Council on Hypertension aims to establish itself as the leader in hypertension within the European Society of Cardiology, thus be recognised as a respected authorative voice in hypertension research, education and clinical practice.

The ESC Council on Hypertension was established in 2014 to provide education, research and leadership in the field of hypertension of behalf of the ESC. The council is managed by a small nucleus but the involvement of the council membership is also important.

What we do

The council is active in a number of areas, including :

  • the development of the ESC/ESH guidelines on hypertension
  • writing position papers and consensus statements on aspects of hypertension management
  • developing the programme for the hypertension sessions for ESC Congress
  • developing stand-alone educational meetings and forming partnerships with other hypertension societies in Europe and globally, to develop joint initiatives.
  • producing a regular newsletter for members

Read more in the 2019-2020 Activity Report from the Council on Hypertension

About the council

Fast facts

  • A worldwide community of + 1250 members
  • A board of 22 members composed of a nucleus of experts in hypertension and permanent representatives of relevant specialty and non-specialty groups in the ESC.

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Council on Hypertension's Election 2024-2026

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