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Our mission is to promote excellence in cardiovascular nursing and allied professions through practice, education and research.
More about the ACNAP Board and Structure
Advancing knowledge in cardiovascular nursing and the promotion of evidence-based clinical practice.
Two awards. Two winners.
Discover monthly podcasts featuring key opinion leaders among allied professionals who discuss their responsibilities, procedures and contributions to cardiovascular care
Resources from previous ACNAP congresses, live and on-demand webinars
This engaging talk will provide nurses and allied professionals with strategies they can use to provide input into generating research evidence within the clinical practice setting.
Learn how you, as a nurse or allied professional, can enhance your career development through engagement in research in clinical practice.
ACNAP Congress brings together nurses and allied professionals from across all core specialties within cardiology.
Sophia Antipolis - France Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (ACNAP) true DD/MM/YYYY
The spotlight will be 'Global Health', as we explore cardiology beyond borders, highlighting the shifting role of cardiovascular disease within the broader global health landscape.
Madrid - Spain European Society of Cardiology true DD/MM/YYYY