How-to article
When to consider genetic counseling and testing in patients with congenital heart disease?
Commented article
A review of "Genetics in congenital heart diseases: unraveling the link between cardiac morphogenesis, heart muscle disease, and electrical disorders", Baban et al.
Clinical case
Read this case of a 40-year old woman with first time atrial flutter.
Quiz on genetic and atrial septal defect
Test your knowledge on genetic and atrial septal defect.
ESC Congress 2022
A selection of sessions on congenital heart disease:
Closure of atrial septal defect: what to consider
26 August 11:15–12:15, Room - Stockholm
Treating complex arrhythmia in complex congenital heart disease
27 August 11:15–15:15, Room- Stockholm
ESC Florence Nightingale Lecture in Nurse-Led Research in Congenital Heart Disease
27 August 10:15–10:45, Room - Dali
28 August 11:15–12:15, Room - Vienna & Online
Telemedicine in ACHD: challenges and opportunities - Joint session with the International Society for Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ISACHD)
29 August, 16:30–17:30 Room- Stockholm
Pulmonary valve replacement in repaired tetralogy of Fallot
29 August 11:15–12:15, Room Stockholm
Anomalous coronary arteries from diagnosis to treatment
29 August 14:00–15:15, Room Amsterdam