Presenter Guidelines for Frontiers in CardioVascular Biomedicine (FCVB)
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Presenter Guidelines

Frontiers in CardioVascular Biomedicine (FCVB) 2024, Amsterdam, from 12 to 14 April

Congratulations on having your abstract accepted for FCVB 2024.

All abstracts must be presented in person, in Amsterdam at the scheduled date and time, as shown in your agreement form.

All presentations must be uploaded in advance online by the deadline indicated on your agreement form.

All presenters must register for the congress.

Failure to upload, register and present in Amsterdam at the congress will lead to the withdrawal of the abstract, clinical case from the Congress Programme and publications (abstract book supplement, ESC 365).

These Guidelines are for presenters in an abstract or late-breaking science session.

Please check your agreement form to verify the day, time and format of your presentation and carefully read the guidelines below.

We are committed to showcasing your presentation in the best possible light.

Upload services are open -

I am an abstract presenter – Go to My Abstracts

My abstract is accepted in an Award / Oral abstract / Late-breaking science session

Presentation Format - Slides

Please refer to your agreement form to see the session type and format in which your abstract has been accepted - It will also specify your presentation duration and the maximum slides allowed.

Your presentation should remain short and should focus on the key results of your research. Your presentation timing must not exceed the presentation time indicated on your agreement form.

Your presentation slides must be prepared with 16/9 format and have a 1920 x 1080 minimum resolution.

We highly recommend the use of the FCVB 2024 slide template.

Awards sessions - Young Investigator Award Competitions

This session will feature the top-rated abstracts in the respective category.  Each finalist will have 10 minutes to present the research, followed by 5 minutes of questions and answers from jury members.

The abstract jury members will be scoring on the following criteria: Originality, Scientific Content, Presentation and Answers to Questions.

You need to prepare a PowerPoint Presentation with a maximum of 13 slides (including the title slide). The DOI slide will be automatically inserted in your set of slides by our technicians based on your declaration at the time of the submission of the agreement form. 

Specific information and instructions are sent by email to the presenters.

The upload deadline is Tuesday 12 March.

Results will be announced during the Closing Ceremony on Sunday 14 April at 1:20 PM CET time in the lecture room 1. 

Oral abstracts

Most of the scientific sessions will include an abstract presentation following the Speakers' talks, and in line with the session's topic. The session will be moderated by two Chairpersons who are experts in the topic.

Your will have 10 minutes to present your research, followed by 5 minutes of questions and answers from the Chairpersons and the audience.

You need to prepare a PowerPoint Presentation with a maximum of 13 slides (including the title slide). The DOI slide will be automatically inserted in your set of slides by our technicians based on your declaration at the time of the submission of the agreement form. 

The upload deadline is Tuesday 12 March.

Late-breaking science session

This session will feature the latest original findings in science.

Each presenter will have 8 minutes to present, followed by 4 minutes of questions and answers. 

You need to prepare a PowerPoint Presentation with a maximum of 13 slides (including the title slide). The DOI slide will be automatically inserted in your set of slides by our technicians based on your declaration at the time of the submission of the agreement form. 

The upload deadline is Thursday 28 March.

My abstract is accepted in a Moderated Poster session / Traditional Poster / Late-breaking science Poster session

Moderated Poster session

Your abstract has been selected for presentation in a Moderated Poster session hosted by two Chairpersons, experts in the topic.

Abstracts selected for Moderated Poster Presentation must be presented as a paper visual display of the research. No upload of the poster is required.

All presenters will have 5 minutes to summarise their research, followed by 3 minutes to address questions from the Chairpersons and the audience. 

Traditional Poster / Late-breaking science Poster session

Abstracts selected for Poster Presentation must be presented as a paper visual display of the research. No upload of the poster is required.

Additional information

Please check your agreement form for:

  • Poster viewing times
  • Poster set-up and removal information.

Important information: Please note the ESC cannot be held responsible for posters displayed or left in the Poster area or in the Congress centre. Posters must be collected after each session.

Technical requirements for paper posters

Dimensions of your poster

  • Landscape orientation (A0)
  • Poster size - 84,1 cm (height) x 118,9 cm (width) maximum
    Posters on several sheets are not accepted (cannot be affixed)
  • Please note that the use of the official ESC logo is not allowed on your poster. This also applies to ESC Association, Working Group and Council logos

Poster Design

  1. Title, author(s), address (at upper edge, across the width of the whole poster)
  2. Purpose
  3. Methods
  4. Results
  5. Conclusions
  6. Declaration of interest (mandatory)

The title should be emphasised by the use of bold-face type. When displayed the letters used should not be smaller than 15 mm.

The sub-title should be printed in the same kind of lettering, but semi-bold and not less than 10 mm high when displayed. This guarantees clear reading even from a distance of 2-3 meters.

The text should be broken up by the inclusion of drawings and/or photos. The use of colour makes the poster more attractive and effective.

Declaration of interest – Poster Presenters are required to disclose potential conflicts of interest for themselves and all co-authors as applicable regarding their presentation at the bottom of their Paper Poster. Please state "None" if no conflicts exist.

This will allow the audience to take potential conflicts of interest into account when assessing the objectivity of the presentation. The existence of potential conflicts of interest does not necessarily indicate a bias. However, it is our ethical obligation to inform participants so that they are made aware of any relationship that might cause unintentional bias. A potential conflict of interest may arise from various relationships, past or present, such as employment, consultancy, investments and stock ownership, funding for research, family relationship etc.

Material for mounting your poster to the poster board will be supplied by the ESC.
Please refer to the ESC staff in the poster area for further assistance.

How do I upload my presentation

Upload services are open -

I am an abstract presenter - Go to My Abstracts

When you submit your agreement form, you are required to declare any potential conflict(s) of interest. The information collected will then be inserted in your PowerPoint set of slides for oral presentations and in your ePoster if you choose to upload an electronic version of your Poster. There is no need to create your own DOI slide or to insert it in your ePoster. In addition, you will be asked to select and enter up to three key words that best classify your research.

Slide presentations

All slide presentations must be uploaded via our online service before Tuesday 12 March. Kindly note those are strict deadlines which will not be extended. Content not uploaded by this date will be withdrawn.

Your presentation slides must be prepared with the 16/9 format and have a 1920 x 1080 minimum resolution.

We highly recommend using the FCVB 2024 slide template

In order to ensure optimal delivery of your presentation, please comply with the following guidelines in the preparation of your presentation:

  • Your presentation must be prepared in PowerPoint version: type .pptx
  • The preferred page set-up is landscape orientation (portrait orientation will not be displayed correctly)
  • Use standard Windows fonts only. Try to avoid the use of non-standard Windows fonts or language-specific fonts.
  • Images: Make sure that inserted images have a minimum resolution of 300dpi
  • Video: All videos must be embedded in your presentation. To avoid any issue with movies and loops with PowerPoint, presentations MUST be saved as .pptx files
  • Apple: Please give your filename an extension “pptx” (Preferred version: PowerPoint 2010)
  • Check your presentation on a Windows-operated computer (preferably Win10) before you upload it

Once connected, you will see, under the presentation title, a link to upload.

  • A step by step wizard will take you through the process
  • You will be first directed to your Profile to update it, if necessary
  • Option to upload a picture or to give your consents for use of the existing picture
    • Option to provide or update Social Media information
  • Then proceed with the upload of your PowerPoint
  • DOI - The information declared at the time of the submission of the agreement form will be automatically inserted by our services as a second slide in your presentation. 
  • You will be asked to select up to three keywords (from an available list of topics/keywords - or with the option to use free text if you do not find a suitable entry). These are important to accurately index your presentation and be referenced on ESC 365.
  • For each uploaded presentation, you will receive a confirmation email of your upload.
  • To modify your upload, you can re-access the service and upload a corrected version - only the latest uploaded version will be kept.

ESC 365 and Social Media

ESC 365, the cardiology knowledge hub 

It is important to remind the audience that the presentations given in the sessions will later be available on ESC 365.

Please make sure to update your profile to be featured with your presentation(s).

Be active on Social Media

Share the science and add your voice to the biggest CV conversation on X!

  • Use the official Congress hashtag #FCVB2024
  • For posts you deem pertinent for ESC to share, please tag @escardio
  • Post about the major breakthroughs/conclusions/highlights, and with the most relevant images from the speaker
  • Avoid promotional posts ie 'session xyz starting now’ or content that does not give any scientific value ie 'Great talk from @abc…’ without adding her/his key messages, points etc
  • Quote the speaker, or tag their profile using their handle
  • Double check spelling and grammar
  • If you have a concern/complain don’t use social media to raise it. Talk to a member of staff. We are always at your service
  • Won’t have time to post? You can still share it (repost)
  • Apply same ethics & etiquette you would in any other context

Video / Audio / Photos

The recording of video or audio from any presentation on the webpages of FCVB 2024 or at the congress venue in Amsterdam is strictly prohibited.

Restrictions on photography are at the sole discretion of the presenter and must be announced to the audience at the start of the presentation.