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Official Italian Agency for AIFA Submissions (Prerichiesta AIFA)

EACVI Congress

Official Agency for AIFA Submissions (Prerichiesta AIFA)

According to Italian legislation, any marketing authorisation holder or pharmaceutical company responsible for the commercialisation of a drug, which organises or helps to organise – whether by direct or indirect funding in Italy or abroad – a congress, or a meeting on topics in any way related to the use of medicines, shall notify the competent unit of the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) at least 60 days before the date of the event. This is to ensure adherence to strict technical criteria and to provide further knowledge in the fields of chemistry, pharmaceutical technology, biochemistry, physiology, pathology and clinical medicine.

AIM Group International has been appointed as the official agency for AIFA submissions in support of sponsors and exhibitors affected by these formalities. Pharmaceutical companies that require authorisation from AIFA are advised to contact:

AIM Group International
AIM Education S.r.l.
Via G. Ripamonti, 129
20141 Milan, Italy
Tel. +39 02 56601.1