What’s on the horizon in cardiac imaging? Find out at ICNC-CT 2021 Virtual, the online meeting where clinicians and scientists from around the world gather for the latest updates on state-of-the-art nuclear cardiology and cardiac computed tomography (CT).
The congress will be held 9 to 11 May online. Explore the scientific programme.
ICNC-CT is the online International Conference on Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac CT (ICNC-CT) – co-organised by the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC), the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), and the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM).
Featuring novel research in cardiac imaging. Including machine learning to predict the cause of death in patients with heart failure, imaging to monitor heart function in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, and innovative uses of imaging during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Alessia Gimelli, EACVI scientific programme co-chairperson, said: "Don't miss this exciting opportunity to attend ICNC-CT, the main congress dedicated to nuclear cardiology and cardiac CT. From clinical innovation to artificial intelligence, all the new advances will be discussed with leading experts, including how to reduce COVID-19 exposure during procedures and emerging tracers in molecular cardiovascular imaging.”
Dr. Riemer Slart, EANM scientific programme co-chairperson, said: “ICNC-CT brings together cardiovascular imaging experts from different fields, integrating technical aspects with clinical applicability – with the ultimate goal of improving patient care. For example, we take a look at how different imaging methods might improve the prediction of adverse outcomes in asymptomatic patients with coronary artery disease.”
Dr. Brian Abbott, ASNC scientific programme co-chairperson, said: “ICNC-CT, convening virtually for the first time this year, will showcase the latest science, cutting-edge research, and highlight novel clinical applications and best practice in the image-guided management of cardiovascular disease."
Register as Press now for ICNC-CT 2021.