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EAPC awareness and implementation programme supporting the 2021 ESC Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice

The challenge

CVD remains the leading cause of deaths worldwide, responsible for 17.9 million (31%) and 3.9 million (45%) deaths globally and in Europe, respectively (WHO and Report ESC 2020). The challenge is to implement the new ESC Guidelines on CVD prevention into practice in all European countries. The role of the project is to close the gap between evidence-based clinical recommendations and actual clinical practice for primary prevention of CVD, with a comprehensive package to provide healthcare professionals with practical implementation tools.  

The programme

The IMPLEMENT programme will:

  1. increase awareness of new guidelines and components
  2. implement practical tools for healthcare professionals
  3. distribute information through ESC & EAPC communication channels


ESC CVD Risk Calculation App

 app-download.jpgThe ESC CVD Risk Calculation Mobile App provides guidance on the most appropriate calculator for a patient up to 10 years or life-long risk and provides an estimation of cardiovascular risk. The app was recently updated with the latest available algorithms (SCORE2, SCORE2-OP, SCORE2-Diabetes)

A communication and dissemination plan will be rolled out across EAPC and ESC audiences to maximise the reach and impact of our programme.


HeartScore - the online risk management tool 

heartscore-label.jpg HeartScore is the ESC interactive tool to calculate the 10-year risk of fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular disease events, updated with SCORE 2, SCORE 2-OP and recommendations from the 2021 ESC Guidelines on CVD Prevention in Clinical Practice, for healthcare professionals and their patients.

Risk Assessment Memocard

score-cards.jpgThe NEW Risk Assessment Memocard (also available to download as a pdf) for general practitioners updated with key messages from the 2021 ESC Guidelines on CVD Prevention in Clinical Practice is now available in an online interactive format.


davos-constantinos-2020.JPG Constantinos Davos
Project co-lead

visseren-frank.jpg Franck Visseren
Project co-lead

Contributing groups

  • ESC Cardiovascular Risk Collaboration (CRC)
  • 2021 ESC Guidelines on CVD Prevention in Clinical Practice Task Force
  • EAPC Primary Care section
  • Patient Forum