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National Cardiovascular Nursing Societies

Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (ACNAP)

Below are the names of contacts for national cardiovascular nursing societies in Europe, Mediterranean countries, and the rest of the world.


ACNAP National Cardiovascular Nursing Societies Committee

Who are we ?

The ACNAP National Cardiovascular Nursing Societies (NS) Committee works closely with the ACNAP Board to assess how ACNAP can collaborate with the national cardiovascular nursing societies while helping them to disseminate scientific knowledge and to support clinical practice.

Members of the National Cardiovascular Nursing Committee (2022-2024)
Position Name Country
Chair Michela Barisone Italy
Member Corina Thomet Switzerland
Member Dassy Levy Israel
Member Maria Kalabaliki Greece
Member Naoko Kato Japan
Member Norma Caples Ireland
Member Rafaela Batista Dos Santos Pedrosa Brazil

What is our main goal ?

To engage and develop activities and projects that aim to meet the needs of the National Cardiovascular Nursing Societies in ACNAP's network. 

What do we do?

The ACNAP National Cardiovascular Nursing Societies Committee leads or contributes to the following activities on a recurrent or ongoing basis. This list is not exhaustive:

  • Disseminates relevant ACNAP and ESC news and activities within the network of national cardiovascular nursing societies with the overall mission of promoting excellence in cardiovascular nursing.
  • Develops and improves engagement with the network through the development and delivery of appropriate activities.
  • Promotes strategies and activities aimed to improve clinical practice through collaboration and sharing of experiences with ACNAP affiliated National Societies.
  • Organises networking conference calls throughout the year with other national cardiovascular nursing societies to exchange and discuss key activities and topics.

 National Cardiovascular Nursing Societies Award 2024 

The national cardiovascular nursing societies play a crucial role in supporting best evidence-based practice, so don't miss the opportunity to apply for the National Cardiovascular Nursing Societies Award to give more visibility to the important work you are doing in your country, and present this at ACNAP Congress!

More information 

Be part of the network!

ACNAP Congress 2023_NS meet-up.jpg

Do you want to be part of a vibrant international network of nursing associations and make your voice heard?

Enter the requested details and have your organisation listed in the official ACNAP network below, as well as participate in networking conference calls organised throughout the year.

Join us

Full list National Cardiovascular Nursing Societies

The ACNAP National Cardiovascular Nursing Societies network gathers 69 national societies and nursing associations in 62 countries.

Click on the flag for further information.



Albanian Nurses Association

  • Role TBC: Mr. Elson Jaçai
  • Website

Australia / Asia

The Australasian Cardiovascular Nursing College (ACNC)

  • President: Mr. Phillip Newton
  • Website


WG on Cardiac Nurses and technicians (Austrian Society of Cardiology)

  • Chair of NAPs: Ms. Christine Drack
  • Website


Azerbaijan Society of Cardiology

  • Chairman: Prof. T. Jahangirov Sahmur
  • Website


Belorussian Scientific Society of Cardiologists

  • Director: Mr. Alexander Mrochek
  • Website


Belgian Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Association of Cardiologists of Bosnia & Herzegovina

  • President: Prof. Zumreta Kušljugić
  • Website


Bulgarian Society of Cardiology

  • President: Assoc. Prof. Maria Tokmakova
  • Website


Society of Cardiology of São Paulo (SOCESP) - Nursing Department

  • Scientific Director (Nursing Department) : Prof. Rafaela Batista dos Santos Pedrosa
  • Website


Canadian Council of Cardiovascular Nurses (CCCN)

  • President: Christina Kuttnig 
  • Website


Croatian Association of Cardiology Nurses


Cypriot cardiology nursing working group

  • President : Dr. Andreas Protopapas

Czech Republic

WG on Nursing in Cardiology (Czech Society of Cardiology)

  • Chairman: Mr. Jakub Doležel
  • Website


Danish Nurses Council

  • Chairman: Mrs. Ida Elisabeth Højskov 
  • Website


Egyptian Society of Cardiology - Egyptian working group of nursing


Estonian Society of Cardiology

  • President: Mr. Priit Kampus
  • Website


Finnish Association of Cardiovascular Nursing

  • Chair: Julia Raak-Tarkiainen
  • Website


Paramedical Group (French Cardiac Society)

  • President: Mrs. Stephanie Turpeau
  • Website


WG Cardiovascular Nursing (Georgian Cardiology Society)


DGK Subgroup S1 "Nursing & Allied Professionals" or "Pflege & Assistenzpersonal"

  • Chair: Silja Steinadler 
  • ACNAP Representative : Andreas Dirksen
  • Website


Heart failure nurses working group (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft care experts heart failure e.V.)

  • Chair: Mrs. Astrid Huesken


WG of Cardiac Nursing

  • President: Mrs. Maria Kapella
  • Website


Hungarian Society of Cardiology

  • President: Mr. Zoltan Csanadi
  • Website


Heart Nursing (Association of Icelandic Nurses)

  • Chairman: Hildur Rut Albertdóttir
  • Website


Indonesian Acute & Intensive Cardiovascular Nurses Society

  • Chair: Mr. Ryan Budiyanto 


Irish Nurses Cardiovascular Association (INCA)


Israeli Cardiac and Intensive Care Nursing Society


Area Nursing and allied professions in the ANMCO


Japanese Nursing Association (JNA)

  • President: Hiroe Takahashi 
  • Website

Japanese Association of Cardiovascular Nursing (JACN)


Association of Cardiologists of the Rep. of Kazakhstan


Korean Nurses Association (KNA)

  • President: Mrs. Shin Kyungrim
  • Website


Kosovo Society of Cardiology

  • President: Prof. Gani Bajraktari
  • Website


Latvian Nursing Association

  • President: Mrs. Dita Raiska
  • Website


Lebanese Society of Cardiology

  • President: Mr. Antoine Sarkis
  • Website


Cardiovascular nursing Council (Lithuanian Society of Cardiology)

  • In charge of the Council: Mrs. Edita Lycholip
  • Website


Luxembourg Society of Cardiology

  • President: Dr. Cristina Banu
  • Website


Malaysian Society of Cardiovascular Technologist (MSCVT)

  • President: Mr. Handman Bin Ibrahim


Nursing in Cardiology WG


Heart Health Mauritius

  • President : Mr. Kevin Paray
  • Website 


Moroccan Society of Cardiology

  • President: Prof. Zlot Samir
  • Website


Dutch Association for Cardiovascular Nurses (NVHVV)

  • Chairman: Mrs. Jessica Heimen-Scholten 
  • Website


Norwegian National Society of Cardiovascular Nurses (NSF-LKS)

  • Chair: Mrs. Hege Andersen Amofah
  • Website


Nurses and Technical Section (Polish Cardiac Society)


NEC (Nucleo de Enfermagem em Cardiologia) from SPC (Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia)

  • NEC Coordinator : Mr. Bruno Delgado 
  • Website


WG of Medical Assistants, Physical Therapists and Recovery Psychologists (Societatea Romana de Cardiologie)

  • President: Mrs. Amalia Catescu
  • Website


Russian Society of Cardiology

San Marino

San Marino Society of Cardiology

  • President: Dr Marina Foscoli


WG Nurses and technicians (Cardiology society of Serbia)

  • President: Mrs. Dragana Bacic
  • Website


Singapore Nurses Association (SNA)

  • President: Assos. Prof. Lim Swee Hia
  • Website


WG Nurses in Cardiology

  • Chair: Mrs. Monika Labudová
  • Website


Nurses and Midwives - Association of Slovenia

  • President: Prof. Zlatko Fras
  • Website

Nurses and Midwives Association of Slovenia (Professional group of nurses and health technicians in cardiology and angiology)

  • President: Mrs. Monika Azman
  • Website


Spanish Association of Nursing in Cardiology (AEEC)

  • Chairwoman: Mrs. Concepcion Fernandez Redondo
  • Website


Sudanese Council of Cardiovascular Nursing




WG for Cardiovascular Nurses and allied Professionals of the Swiss Society of Cardiology (AG-KAPT)


Network Nursing Switzerland

  • President: Mrs. Petra Schäfer-Keller



  • Chief Secretary: Mrs. Jeniffer Yu  Chuan Chang
  • Website


Tunisian Society of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery

  • Chairwoman: Prof. Leila Abid


Cardiovascular Nursing and Technicians Project Group (Turkish Society of Cardiology)

  • Director: Mr. Ahmet Kara
  • Website

United Arab Emirates

Emirates Nursing Association (ENA)

United Kingdom

British Association for Nursing in Cardiovascular Care (BANCC)

  • President: Mrs. Helen Eftekhari 
  • Website

 British Society for Heart Failure Nurse Forum 

United States

Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association (PCNA)

American Association of Heart Failure Nurses (AAHFN)

  • President: Dr. Tara Whitmire 
  • Website

Society of Pediatric Cardiovascular Nurses (SPCN)

  • President: Mrs. Nancy Hagberg
  • Website

Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing (CVSN) of the American Heart Association

  • President: Dr. Terrie Black 
  • Website

Georgia Nurses Association (GNA) - State of Georgia


Association of Cardiologists of Uzbekistan

  • Chairman: Prof. Ravshanbek Kurbanov
  • Website


National Taiwan University Hospital


*The Belorussian Scientific Society of Cardiologists and the Russian Society of Cardiology are temporarily suspended from the membership of the ESC. See ESC Statement.