What’s new?
- An online multi-criteria search engine
- Institutions now have direct access to update, create and modify their information. They can also remove page and close account.
Why Cathgo?
Foreign Interventional Cardiology (IC) Fellows tend to cluster in busiest, well-known centres. However, due to overbooking, the waiting-list in these centres can be exhausting or frustrating and many applicants are not accepted. As a matter of fact, there are many other centres in Europe potentially offering great interventional and research opportunities and willing to attract Young IC Fellows from abroad. However, these centers and IC Fellows simply do not know each other. CathGo seeks to address this issue.
Already registered within the CathGo database
Update your centre information
Note: Only the individual having submitted the initial information will be able to access and update the information (since it requires login via My ESC Account). If another member of your team needs to amend the data from your centre and/or if you encounter any issue, feel free to contact us.