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Working Group on Thrombosis



Enhancing knowledge and stimulating clinical research of thrombosis in Europe and beyond. Producing consensus to influence current clinical practice on treatments intervening on vascular biology and blood vessel-wall interactions.


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Cardiovascular Research

Basic, translational and clinical research

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Access a selection of valuable scientific articles and position papers.

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Webinars on ESC 365

Updates in anti-thrombotic therapy for cardiovascular diseases

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Upcoming Events

  • October 2024
    • ESC Working Group on Aorta & Peripheral Vascular Diseases
      Thursday 10 October
      ESC event
      Bologa - Italy

      An intense three-day scientific programme will update you on basic science, translational
      medicine and clinical practice in the areas of thrombosis, aorta and peripheral vascular diseases.

      10/10/2024 11:30 12/10/2024 13:00 Europe/Paris EuroThrombosis and EuroVessels 2024

      Access event page

      Bologa - Italy ESC Working Group on Thrombosis DD/MM/YYYY