For ESC Congress 2021 – The Digital Experience, the ESC Working Groups are pleased to recommend the following sessions:
ESC WG on Adult Congenital Heart Disease
Aberrant coronary arteries: surgical treatment indications and techniques
Guidelines in Practice: management of atrial septal defect with pulmonary hypertension
Sudden cardiac death in adult congenital heart disease (ACHD)
NOACs in adult congenital heart disease: show me the evidence!
ESC WG on Aorta and Peripheral Vascular Diseases
The aorta and sudden cardiac death: from tip to toe
Meet the Experts: thoracic aortic diseases – a clinical appraisal for cardiology practice
ESC WG on Atherosclerosis & Vascular Biology
Immunotherapy for cardiovascular disease
Advances in atherosclerosis research
Autoimmune disorders in cardiac disease
Novel insights in non-coding RNA functions
Great Debate: controversy – do patients benefit from omega-3 fatty acids?
ESC WG on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology
Will basic science solve the problem of arrhythmias?
Novel insights into arrhythmia mechanisms
What´s wrong with current models of cardiovascular disease?
What does science teach us about life with genetic heart disease?
ESC WG on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy
Great Debate: Anticoagulation for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation – the grey zone
Challenges of cardiovascular pharmacotherapy in the elderly
Enthusiasm vs. evidence for COVID-19 pharmacotherapies: what do we know and what have we learnt?
Meet the Experts: New cardiorenal pharmacotherapy for diabetes
ESC WG on CV Regenerative & Reparative Medicine
Highlights from the Young in basic science
ESC WG on Cellular Biology of the Heart
Cardiovascular consequences post-COVID: bench to bedside
Highlights from the Young in basic science
Immunotherapy for cardiovascular disease
ESC WG on Coronary Pathophysiology & Microcirculation
Young Investigator Awards Session in Coronary Pathophysiology and Microcirculation
HFpEF: different mechanistic phenotypes require distinct therapeutic strategies
Chronic coronary syndromes: pathophysiology, treatment, and prognosis
The collateral damage of COVID-19 on CVD
When coronary angiography is not enough: morphology or physiology?
ESC WG on Development, Anatomy and Pathology
Transcriptomics and metabolomics to decipher cardiovascular disease
Young Investigator Awards Session in Basic Science
RNA Therapeutics: from vaccination to regenerative medicine
Single cell biology and analysis: how to make sense of single cell data
Congenital heart disease and paediatric cardiology e-posters
ESC WG on e-Cardiology
Sudden cardiac death: can we move from prediction to prevention
Fighting sudden cardiac death the digital way
How to interpret 24-hour and smart watch ECGs
Practical advice for digitally enabled patient follow-up: stay connected
Great Debate: artificial intelligence in cardiology – a marriage made in heaven or hell?
ESC WG on Myocardial & Pericardial Diseases
Meet the Experts: cardiomyopathies and sudden cardiac death
Ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death (SCD)
Immunotherapy for the cardiovascular disease
When and how to allow sport activities: a general cardiologist’s perspective
Highlights from the Young: artificial intelligence in imaging
ESC WG on Myocardial Function
Biomarkers to improve prognostication in heart failure: what's new?
Consequences of COVID-19 in heart failure: one year on
Hot Line - EMPEROR-Preserved / EMPEROR-Pooled
ESC WG on Thrombosis
Young Investigator Awards Session in Thrombosis
How to handle bleeding in patients on oral anticoagulation
Great Debate: Anticoagulation for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation – the grey zone
Advances in science in heart failure: what does the new decade hold for ventricular assist devices?