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Heart Failure Matters

Practical information for patients, families and caregivers.

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About the HFA

Our mission is to improve the quality of life and longevity through better prevention, diagnosis and treatment of heart failure, including the establishment of networks for its management, education and research.

Vision of the HFA

As the world's largest heart failure association, the Heart Failure Association of the ESC prioritises patient management and awareness of heart failure as a global health problem.  

hfa-top-banner-2017.jpgWho we are

Professor Marco Metra (IT), heads a board of heart failure specialists who manage and supervise the association's activities. The HFA comprises the board, committees, fellows, members and the young community.

What we do

  • Congresses - Heart failure congresses, Winter Research Meeting
  • Membership - Three levels of benefits
  • Advocacy - Patient website:, Heart Failure Awareness Days, HFA Summit
  • Research - Registries, journals, scientific papers
  • Education - Online education, certification, guidelines, postgraduate courses, grants
  • Accreditation - Improving Care through Accreditation and Recognition in Heart Failure (ICARe-HF)

Read the activity report 2022-2024

Fast facts

  • 4,200+ members (2024)
  • 5,500+ attendees at Heart Failure 2024 congress
  • 57 National Heart Failure Societies / working groups
  • 40+ committees and study groups
  • 25 countries participating in Heart Failure Awareness Days
  • 2.5 million visitors on

Also of interest

European Journal of Heart Failure

Advancing knowledge in the field of heart failure management.

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Heart Failure 2024

Join us in Lisbon and online from 11 to 14 May for the world's leading event on heart failure.

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Courses, postgraduate certification, webinars, grants: the HFA has an educational programme to suit all healthcare professionals.

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