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Scientific Programme

ICNC-CT 2024, Seville, 19 - 21 May

Join us during ICNC-CT 2024 to get the best of nuclear cardiology and cardiac CT imaging.

This year’s programme focuses on novel applications, new developments, recent trends, state of the art and future applications in the whole field of nuclear cardiology and cardiac CT.

See the Scientific Programme

Session-Room-ICNC.pngHear from world-leading faculty.

They will share with us their knowledge, experience, and most recent innovations through a wide range of sessions, including symposia, debates, case presentations and how-to sessions.





Networking-ICNC.pngJoint sessions will also be organised in collaboration with sub-specialty associations and working groups, bringing together their expertise to explore common fields of practice.

Not to miss sessions

Attractive session for the Young Community

Other attractive sessions

Abstract & Clinical Cases presentations

The congress highlights innovative research and case presentations.

Presenter-Poster-Woman-ICNC.pngPresenters discuss findings with peers and international experts in dedicated field of expertise. Presenting work allows engagement with fellow researchers, key opinion leaders, potential co-investigators and mentors in your field. It also gives your work long-term visibility. 






Award-ICNC-2019png.pngJoin us for a vast array of abstract & clinical cases sessions, including the Young Investigator Award session, the Best Oral Abstract session, the Talents of the Future, the Best regional Posters and more! Make sure to submit your work in time. 


Nuclear cardiology and cardiac CT level 2/3 certification logbook

Sessions dedicated for delegates who wish to collect cases for their level 2/3 certification logbook in the topics of nuclear cardiology and cardiac CT.
These sessions provide hands-on and one-to-one learning in an exclusive and intimate environment where delegates are given the opportunity to report on clinical cases via sponsor equipment and receive expert advice from the supporting company’s technician.

Find out more on the Nuclear sessions here.

Find out more on the CT sessions here.

Registration is mandatory and seats are limited to 32 pax per session. Indicating

To register, please send an email to indicating the session date, time and topic you wish to attend.



Congress Topic List

Congress Topic List